20 MAY | Discover the finalists of the V Mouillete d’Argent

The Beauty Cluster, in collaboration with Ainea Perfums and Teià Town Council, and with sponsors such as Lluch Essence, Iberchem, Eurofragance, Rafesa, CPL Aromas and Cosmo International Fragrances, is promoting the International Perfumery Competition – Mouillette d’Argent, aimed at participants of any nationality who wish to showcase their creative skills.

The rose will be the protagonist of this 5th edition which, as usual, will be framed within the “Maridatge dels Sentits” Fair and will be part of the annual activities of the BOW (Barcelona Olfaction Week).

The Jury, made up of a group of experts in the world of perfume, design, gastronomy, art and the winners of the 2021 edition, has already selected the 12 finalists from more than 80 perfumers from 25 countries and 5 continents around the world.

  • Alexandre Makhloufi
  • Alexandre Vire 
  • Andrei Chibisov 
  • Dario Siegel 
  • Franc Blasi Piñol 
  • Francesco Vidili 
  • Jean-François Thizon 
  • Julia Kupriyanova 
  • María Gil Villaescusa 
  • Marine Jacolin 
  • Paula Kundu 

The winning perfumes will be announced on 26 May 2022 at an exclusive gala event to be held at Ca l’Antiga (Teià). The “Mouillette d’Argent” will be awarded to the best perfume in three categories: general, public and freelance.

These 12 perfumes have been distributed among different points, so that all those who wish to embark on a journey through the nuances of the rose can come and vote for their favourite until 25 May. The voting points are:

🌹 Barcelona:

  • Les Topettes
  • Isidro Cosmetic Shop
  • Perfumeria Vall
  • Perfumeria Regia
  • Perfumería Julia – Illa Diagonal

🌹 Maresme:

  • Teià: CMC La Unió
  • Mataró: Perfumeria Júlia – C. Rambla, 2

🌹 Valencia:

  • Perfumería Julia – Pg de Russafa, 28

🌹 Madrid:

  • Perfumería Julia – C. Génova, 16

🌹 Bilbao:

  • Perfumeria Júlia – Urkixo Zumarkalea, 8

🌹 Andorra:

  • Perfumeria Júlia Centro – Av. Carlemany, 115. Escaldes

In addition to explaining their perfume to all those attending the gala, the three winners will be able to see their perfume edited and put on sale in some of the most prestigious perfumeries in the country.