The IV edition of the Perfume Contest is open

For the fourth consecutive year, the Beauty Cluster, in collaboration with Ainea Perfums and the Teià City Council, promotes the International Perfume Competition – Mouillette d’Argent.

In the 2020 edition, a total of 65 perfume creatives from 15 countries registered, of which 39 managed to overcome the international limitations derived from the pandemic and send their 48 creations to the jury in charge of evaluating them. The main touch was pepper and the jury award-winning perfumer, chaired by master perfumer D. Rosendo Mateu, was Pepper & Pear by Julia Rodríguez Pastor. The perfume chosen by the general public was Agartha by Sandra Lucas Haro. The jury was made up of master perfumers, sommeliers, creatives, artists and specialized media such as Beautyprof.

The contest is intended for perfumers of any nationality who wish to show their creative capacity. It will be part of the“Maridatge dels Sentits” Fair and will be part of the annual activities of the BOW (Barcelona Olfaction Week).

Any perfumer creator can submit their perfumes to a competition, being able to compete with more than one composition, as long as these perfumes include the essence or olfactory note of this edition: The Violet.

The Jury of the 2021 edition will once again be chaired by the master perfumer D. Rosendo Mateu and made up of a group of experts in the world of perfume, design, gastronomy, art and the winners of the 2020 edition.

There will be three “Silver Mouillette” awards: Best perfume award in general category, Audience award and Best perfume award in freelance category. The winners will receive the award at an exclusive gala to be held on June 5th, 2021 at Ca L’Antiga (Teià).

The registration period will be from December 18th, 2020 to February 15th , 2021. To register, perfumers must fill out the following form: and, in case of doubts, they can consult to the organization via email: All the conditions of the process and how to compete is included in the legal bases of the contest.

On January 22nd, the Beauty Cluster will make an online presentation of the contest for those interested. Registration is free and all the activity planned for the Barcelona Olfaction Week will also be explained. Those interested can register at: REGISTRATION TO THE CONFERENCE