December 3rd, 2018. The Beauty Cluster Barcelona has closed the accession of the cluster to the Alianza para la Formación Dual, a state network of educational centres and institutions for the promotion and development of Dual Vocational Training. The agreement is a commitment of the cluster to respond to the need for quality professional training, with official validity and added value to the sector and to improve working conditions and the development of successful professional careers, providing recognition and excellence to the industry.

The BCB was represented at the signing of the agreement by Esteve Julià, member of the Board of Directors of Beauty Cluster Barcelona and CEO & General Manager of FIT 4 ever, who highlighted that “the BCB brings together a significant conglomerate of companies in the sector that will be happy to collaborate with the Alliance for Dual FP. ” In addition, he pointed out that “the sum of efforts between both organizations will have a very positive effect on the professional quality of the sector”.