Date: March 03

Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Place: Online


The increase in life expectancy, together with the general decline in the birth rate, has as its main consequence a reversal in the demographic pyramid. This trend is creating new challenges, but also new opportunities. With this in mind, and not forgetting the huge weight of senior female consumers in the beauty market, the beauty industry has already started to bet on the silver economy.

Good times are predicted for the sector, but they will be even better if we know the silver client, their interests and needs, and offer them products and services designed exclusively for them, beyond using 60-year-old models with grey hair.

Idoia García de Cortázar, in charge for the Silver Economy training area at FITS – Future Innovation Tailor-Made School at IED Barcelona and consultant specialising in the design of services and business models for the Silver Economy, will show us how to work towards age empowerment, not only as an advertising strategy, but also from the conception of the product..

To conclude the day, we will open a round of debate through a round table of experts in which we will have the participation of brands that are already incorporating this target into their sales strategy.