The Beauty Cluster Barcelona, presents a unique opportunity to be present at the exhibition COSMETIC-360 organised  by Cosmetic Valley in the Carrousel du Louve, Paris from 15th  to 16th  October 2015

COSMETIC-360 is positioned as “The Global Meeting of trends and solutions in perfumery and cosmetics”. There you will know about the latest innovations in technology, products, processes, services,… and you will have a great opportunity to discover innovations at all levels of cosmetics and perfumery: raw materials, formulation, packaging, testing and analysis,…

Beauty Cluster Barcelona, as a partner of the Cosmetic Valley, offers you the opportunity to participate as an exhibitor in a joint stand with favorable conditions:

  • Location in a preferential area which has a high visitor traffic.
  • Better prices for being a shared stand.
  • Management of your participation by the Beauty Cluster Barcelona saving time and effort.
  • Greater visibility of your company since it takes part in the Beauty Cluster environment.

To participate as an exhibitor you will need to submit an innovation that may be related to:

    • Product
    • Service
    • Marketing
    • Technology
    • Packaging….

If you want to take this opportunity, please fill out the form and if you want to know the cost, contact with us:
