Nowadays the cosmetics industry in India has a value of 6.5 billion dollars, and the forecast is that by 2025 the sector will grow to 20 million dollars with a growth rate of 25%, in contrast to the 4, 3% of the global market. According to The Economic Times, India is expected to account for 5% of the global cosmetics market and to become one of the top 5 global markets.

The Foreign Office of ACCIÓ in Bombay considers that the Indian market is in evolution and offers a stable and long-term export opportunity for Catalan companies that seek to diversify abroad. The market also presents opportunities for companies in the ingredients sector, such as natural oils, and the technologies applicable to aesthetic treatments.

This session organized by ACCIÓ and in collaboration with the Beauty Cluster Barcelona invites you to participate in the seminar on March 7th to understand the opportunities and challenges presented by the Indian market. In addition, we will present the business mission that ACCIÓ, along with Beauty Cluster Barcelona, will organize the month of September for companies in the sector.

Date: 7 de marzo
Schedule : 9:30h – 11:20h.
Place: ACCIÓ, Passeig de Gràcia, 129

* Free session to the members of the Beauty Cluster Barcelona.