The world of beauty and cosmetics is closely linked to creativity, avant-garde, style and innovation, throughout its creation process. When you buy a cream, a serum, a perfume or any make-up item, you want to feel that all this is combined in the same product and that said product is in line with your ideals and with the current trends.

The packaging not only protects the product from external agents, but also communicates the essence of the brand through experiences and sensations, data and content. But…

  • How is cosmetic packaging planned for 2021?
  • What trends do the benchmarks in the Beauty and packaging sector pick up for the coming months?
  • What will be the emerging markets or the fashionable materials? What role does sustainability and digitization play in all this?

These insights are expressed in a single element: the packaging

The Packaging Cluster and the Beauty Cluster come together to respond to the trends of cosmetic packaging in an intersectoral event, which includes market studies, international leaders and specialized content.

Date: December 9th of 2020

Registration: free and exclusive for members of the Beauty Cluster and the Packaging Cluster.


10:00a.m.  |Welcome by the organizing entities

10:10a.m.  |Block 1. Trends and perspective of the Beauty – Packaging market

10:50a.m.  |Block 2.The current market. All the information you need to know if you belong to the Beauty – Packaging sector

11:30a.m.  |Block 3. Round table with experts

12:30  | Farewell and closing