Barcelona Olfaction Week (BOW) 2021 is going to take place from 28th May to 5th July 2021. It is pushed by the Beauty Cluster, with the support of a large number of collaborators, experts, national and international stakeholders.

It is going to include consolidated events all them integrated in a unique virtual plattform:

  • Barcelona Olfaction Congress – the Scientific and Technical event (virtual)
  • Virtual exhibition for fragance industry and suppliers including digital marketplace and the possibility to arrange meetings with more than one thousand professionals .
  • Extensive agenda of online and offline activities on perfume and beauty culture with some of the most reputated experts in the world
  • IV International perfumery Contest Mouillette d’Argent. More than 100 perfumers from 25 countries participates to be nominated as the winner in the 2021 edition.
  • IV Maridatge dels Sentits – Pair of the Senses with nice face-to-face activities in the beautiful town of Teià – besides Barcelona.

Most of the activities will be online and you will access from a unique plattform with full capabilities integration.  

All the face to face activities will be subject to the evolution of COVID-19 in Spain.

Cost for registration is 300 €+VAT. 

Beauty Cluster members can register directly with a 50% discount to all the BOW activities through the link provided (discount included): REGISTRATION FOR BEAUTY CLUSTER MEMBERS

For any doubts, please contact