Montse Martí, president of the Beauty Cluster Barcelona, takes part in the colloquium Clusters Meetings, organised by BMooc, platform of business formation.
During the talk, moderated by Joan Martí, gerent of the area of dinamització of clústers of Action, treated tangential subjects for the good operation and development of a clúster.
In this sense, Montse Martí signalled the importance to generate the necessary confidence because the companies generate projects in the surroundings clúster and highlighted the rellevància of the work in team for can develop knowledge shared.
You can see the complete colloquium here:
CLUSTERS MEETING 1/4 Confianza entre empresas el trabajo en equipo
CLÚSTERS MEETING 2/4 Motivaciones, beneficios y experiencías en el clúster
CLÚSTERS MEETING 3/4, Casos de éxito, como generar la confianza necesaria entre empresas