Opportunity to publish in Fragance Journal

Our Japanese partner, Japan Cosmetic Center, gives to all Beauty Cluster Barcelona members the opportunity to publish a article in «Fragance Journal». «Fragance Journal» is a very popular scientific journal in Japan regarding cosmetics and fragrances, and that is constantly looking for professional contents from different countries and researchers.

For the Special Edition of April 2020, is looking for articles with the following subject: «The effect of the use of cosmetics (skin care and makeup) *not the unique effects of cosmetics, but the effects that derive from the use of cosmetics.» The articles will be published on April 15th, so the deadline to submitted the article will be on February 14th.
The volume requested is around 4-5 pages and the publication fee will be remunerated. To give you some examples of the articles that have been approved by now:

  • Improvement effect on smile by the use of skin care
  • Cosmetic therapy for the elderly studied from brain and physiological indicators
  • Damage recovery verification with hot spring water skin care

If you would like to propose your article or you have any questions or need additional information, feel free to contact Patricia Gisbert; Beauty Cluster Innovation Manager; to: innovacio@beautyclusterbarcelona.com